First of all it is necessary to result the project in a forum kind. For this purpose come and change options: the File → Options → the Project → Registration of a tree of the project → the Blog with comments/ the Forum .
The program will start to display a tree in a forum kind, and to divide all elements of a tree into 3 types (completely automatically):
- — this type the program defines Forums to such signs: the very first level and parental level of a theme
- the Theme — this type is defined on the basis of text presence (which will be the first message of a theme) and on presence of contract elements — messages
- Messages is always the latest level at which parent — a theme
Probably it sounds a little difficult and is confused, but actually you should not reflect on all these moments at all, the program on the automatic machine does all correctly if you adhere to a key rule: all themes and messages have the text.
Arrangement of authors of article is following step. You can do it manually specifying in additional fields of the author of article or having used the tool the Car доп. Fields charge this task the program. Remember that if in articles there will be no author the program will automatically consider that the author — the user admin.
Further at desire it is possible to use other tools of processing of the project, such as autodate, but the basic work is finished and already now it is possible safely экпортировать the project in a forum cursor or in other words to generate a forum .
Attention : if in the project there are pictures besides a file of import the program creates a folder with pictures which it is necessary to load into a root of a forum folder on FTP.